March 27, 2008

Bad Guys!

Yesterday I was talking to Jennie on the phone and she was a little frustrated because she had been waiting at the doctors office for 2 hours for a well check for Kate. Kate was tired, Jennie was tired and they both just wanted to go home. About a half hour later Jennie called again and said that when they finally got done at the doctors office they went out to their car and it was STOLEN!!! The only thing left was glass all over the place where the car thieves had broken out the window. The worst part for Kate was that her very loved, used, adored,
favorite blanky in the whole world was in the car!

Here is Kate lovin her blanky while we were at Disneyland last month...
Last night Kate called and said, "Blama, will you tell those bad guys to bring me my blanky!!!... I neeeed it!" She was sooo sad, it broke my heart. I hope those jerks get caught and go to jail! How dare they take Kate's favorite blanky, let alone Jennie's mom taxi! The only thing I could do was promise her I would make her a new one and that she could pick out any fabric she wanted. So today Jennie and Kate went to the fabric store and Kate picked out her very favorite pretty pink princess fabric... and they came to "Blama Linda's" and waited for me to get home! Everything stopped and we made Kate her new "Princess Blanket"...


suzanne said...

That is the most FRUSTRATING story ever! but i love the ending.... she looks happy with her new blankie. hopefully they will find Jennie's car and her little purple blankie will still be there and she will have two.

JENNIE! said...

what would we do with out "blama linda"... I though it was funny that the previous comment said that the blanky was purple... yeah it was pink 3 years ago, now it is definitely a gray/ purple :)

Allison Barnes said...

What a bummer!! I can't believe they stole a car in the daytime at the doctors office!! Crazy. So sad about the blanket... the new one looks so cute. What a wonderful grandma!!

Janae' said...

I can only hope I am a fraction of the "blama" you are.....

I'm looking forward to the next chapter...I think the blankie will be like a faithful family will find its way home! Lets hope!


Anonymous said...

No way! Right after all the stories that I heard about the blankie! Besides getting a brand new blankie, I hope there are two more happy endings to this one, the bad guys get caught and the blankie gets rescued! Justin

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a prettier grama before! holy smokes mama. You are GORGEOUS... especially in that picture just sewin with Kate-er bugs