Julie is one of the most brave, strong and amazing women I have ever known. She is remarkable and her testimony lifts and strengthens mine. We love you Julie and we pray for you everyday.
This is what she wrote on her blog...
We are headed to Utah today for the funeral services on Friday. I never thought I would leave Shelton without my husband and son. I am so thankful to family and friends who have helped me and supported me through this past week and a half. I miss Sheldon and Jace so much. I love them and it is the greatest privilege I have ever had to be Jace's mother and Sheldon's wife. I know we can be together again and I am so grateful for my testimony of the gospel. I am so thankful for our Savior and his Resurrection. I am so thankful for the donations that are helping to cover the funeral costs. I am so thankful for every kind word, note, letter, action, done in my behalf. I am so thankful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to be part of a ward family, past and present, who love and care for me. I am especially grateful to the dive team volunteers who found Jace and Sheldon. You are all my angels carrying me through this tragedy. -Julie
On Tuesday I went to the temple with my sweet friend Allison. A beautiful prayer was said while we were there by a very kind man, and in it he spoke these words..."Bless any who are suffering from the loss of a loved one. Help them to know that the Plan of Salvation is real and that they will be with their loved ones again."
As he spoke those words, tears streamed down my face and a warm assurance and peace filled me.
I thought of Leah, Allyn's parents, my mama, and I thought of Julie, Jace, Sheldon and many more.
As he spoke those words, tears streamed down my face and a warm assurance and peace filled me.
I thought of Leah, Allyn's parents, my mama, and I thought of Julie, Jace, Sheldon and many more.
I am truly grateful to know without any doubt that God loves us, we are His children, Jesus Christ is our Savior,
and that families really are forever...
and that families really are forever...
The sun streamed through windows of the temple making perfect little stars that shone brightly on the floor. As I looked at them, I thought of the many times that Leah said, "I love you more than all of the stars in the sky."
It was as if she were whispering it to me again that very moment.
It was as if she were whispering it to me again that very moment.
Coincidence, I don't think so. Tender mercy, absolutely.