April 1, 2011

Oh, Levi

This little boy loves the pantry. More specifically the fruit snacks in the pantry. How can I say no to that cute little smile, those big browns and those goldie locks? I can't!
Levi has been known to sweet talk me into 5 or 6 packages of fruit snacks in one morning...Oh, Levi.


Allison Barnes said...

so cute!! I can't say no to Afton too!

kathie said...

He reminds me of Darren at that age!!
Even the long curls. He was the worst of all my kids in the pantry...he would roll all the cans out and get in the big bucket of sugar, flour...I caught him in action once and he look at me and said "I love this room"

the heiner family said...

Oh man this took me back! I remember your awesome food storage room on Patrick Lane...me and Leah went thru as many fruit snacks as Levi does! You always had the best food in there...and I am sure it never lasted for long!

suzanne said...

he is a beautiful boy. he deserves fruit snacks.

kathie... that is the cutest story ever.