She's looking forward to healing and getting back to her regular, busy life.
My Mom genuinely appreciates all of your love and support. The flowers, and cards, and cookies, and even plastic shower gloves for her cast have all been so thoughtful and wonderful.
Thank you from all of us! I'm excited to try the drumstick ice cream...
Thank you from all of us! I'm excited to try the drumstick ice cream...
oh Linda... I am so sorry! yuck, darn, eeeek (did that help?) I am happy to help with anything you might need - I make a grocery store run on a regular basis & I'm really good at dialing for pizza ;) Seriously holler if you need anything!
oh no, mama-schlaud! you and my mom are like 2 peas in a pod! i love clutzy moms, so it's okay! :) glad you're going okay!
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