August 23, 2012


Sometimes I just wish life was fair...but it isn't. 
 I am sad because this beautiful baby girl was taken away from her loving, amazing, wonderful adoptive parents yesterday. They loved and adored her more than words could ever express.
Beautiful Baby's birth mom changed her mind...a couple of months after this adorable picture with Papa Jack was taken. 

I understand both sides of adoption...I. really. do.
I know how hard and selfless it is to place a baby for adoption...wanting truly what is the very best for the baby. 
I pray that Beautiful Baby Girl will be safe, loved and know how much the first parents who held her, took tender care of her, adored her, & doted on her... love her and always will. 

I am grateful for this special family and so thankful that our sweet grandson
is being loved and raised by amazing parents. 
I got the sweetest message on my phone from Azurdee the other day,  just telling me how much she loves us and how grateful she is for our sweet Leah.  We love you too and count our blessings everyday that you are part of
our family.

1 comment:

Allison Barnes said...

It isn't fair! I am so sad for them. I love seeing your sweet pictures of Bristol. He is a doll and I love that his sweet parents are involved in your life!