April 20, 2009

Sports, Snowcones, and Mr. Levi

I love watching sports...
Especially when my very awesome (I know I am extremely partial) grandkids are the ones playing!!
Last Saturday Kaden had a football game. He scored two touchdowns and threw a pass for another one.
He tackles like a crazy man and no one can catch him when he's running!
One dad asked me if I put steroids in his cereal! (I told him no, just in his milk at lunch...)

Tonight Kaden had a baseball game. He had two home runs and did great as pitcher and first baseman.
His dad was mighty proud!

Jackson, Kate and Ally came (It's so fun to have Ally home!!!)...according to Kate the game was OK but the snow cones were great!

Jackson loved hitting his coach with two line drives in his game last week. It was pretty cute watching him crack up all the way to first base!

We got to watch Levi for a few days while Jennie and Chad were out of town...he is sooooo flippin cute! He completely melts my heart... He is a crawlin maniac!

I am pretty certain that he said "Maaaaaama" which I am sure was "Graaaama" in Levi vocab...

Kaden just watched this video for the first time...he said, "Grama, you're a DORK!"
...and here I was trying to be so cool.

1 comment:

sadie said...

you are the funnest grama i'm sure! wow! you have some real talent in the family...and the ones who aren't playing the sports are beautiful spectators!