November 8, 2012

We Love Papa Jack and Happy Caleb

These kids love their Papa Jack:) 
Caleb and I spent the day together on Tuesday and we had so much fun. We went to the store and we were just talking & laughing as we were walking in...yes, Caleb is walking without any crutches now:)  I happened to be holding his hand, and all of a sudden his foot fell off!! We were a little shocked at first and I was so glad we were holding hands... and then we both just started cracking up, giggling and thinking about the poor man in the store who was rather speechless. Caleb is my hero. He is doing so well and is as happy as can be.
When Levi first saw Caleb's prosthesis, he said, "Wow, you got a robot leg..." And Caleb said, "Yeah, isn't it cool?!!"

1 comment:

Brett, Azurdee, and Our Two Miracles said...

I LOVE it!!! I've been wondering how both of them have been doing!!