Colleen Gentry Huntington... My wonderful mom
Since Mother's Day was yesterday and my mom celebrates her birthday June 5th, I wanted to give a special shout out to her today. She is the most amazing mom in the universe and I am so blessed that she is mine. She has always been my dearest friend, confidant, adviser, teacher, greatest supporter, mentor, and sweetest example of what a mother should be. She has always loved us six kids unconditionally and has shared that tender love with each of her 18 grandchildren and 6 1/2 great grandchildren. The name Grami Colleen brings smiles
to every heart who knows her.
We all love you more than words could ever express...

to every heart who knows her.
We all love you more than words could ever express...
you look JUST like her! happy mother's day. about the apple not fallin gfar from the look EXACLT like your mother! It's crazy how much you look alike! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!
You really do look like your mom - your both beautiful! Just wanted to check out those baby quilts you were telling me about. I will have to have you make my new grandson one!
I cannot believe how much Tyler looks like the brother on the right in that picture. It's the spitting image of Tyler Dixon!
Great pictures.
I remember you in those younger pictures so well. Tell your Mom and Dad Happy Mothers Day and Fathers Day from me, I love them so very much. Kaye
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