I love this picture of Amber showing off her new baby sister, Amy, to the Shelton kids who lived across the street.
What wonderful memories we have of living on Patrick Lane...18 years. I loved those early years in the cul-de-sac, watching the kids play outside, visits with Cindy and Candy, lemonade stands, the kids "stores" of every kind and variety, the yellow school bus, Bryce & Jared putting up with all those girls, trampoline jumping, swing sets, Candy's book fair, progressive dinners, presidency meetings, car pools, sharing time manuals, sharing bread, sharing life...
When Amy was born, I decided to try this new thing called an
epidural. Back then in 1986, they had a nurse anethisists give it to me. It. was. not. good. She did something wrong and I had a spinal leak. Headaches does not even begin to describe how bad my head hurt. I threw up every time I lifted my head from being absolutely flat on the bed. I was pretty miserable for about two weeks. I am so grateful for wonderful neighbors and friends who helped us through those first few hard days. Words can't describe how blessed we were and grateful we felt to have a healthy, beautiful baby daughter join our family... Amber, Jennie and Leah were so thrilled to have
a new baby sister...Oh,did they ever love Amy...